Gallery 32 Dental Arts


What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. It disrupts your sleep and can make you drowsy during the day. Here are common symptoms that sleep apnea patients have:

Disruptive Snoring

Snoring happens when tissues near the back of the throat vibrate against each other, creating the sound of soft or loud breathing during sleep. 

Tiredness During the Day

If you experience excessive daytime sleepiness, you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. This occurs when the soft tissues in the throat relax too much during sleep and block the airway. This prevents oxygen from flowing into the lungs and causes an interruption to breathing. Although this can happen hundreds of times during the night, you may not be aware of it. This is why it is even more important for patients who suffer from sleep apnea to see a dentist regularly. Early intervention can prevent complications such as long-term damage to teeth, infections, heart problems, and more.


One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is insomnia, especially if the patient has severe apnea or is experiencing excessive snoring. With continuous sleep disruptions, it’s normal for patients to wake up feeling unrested and fatigued. If patients experience these symptoms on a regular basis, they should seek treatment as soon as possible.

Memory Loss/ Confusion

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may experience memory loss or confusion while sleeping. This is because your brain may not get enough oxygen while you are asleep. This can cause you to feel disoriented and make it hard for you to remember things.

Morning Headaches

Patients with sleep apnea often wake up in the morning with a headache. This is caused by the blocked airways, making it difficult to breathe and forcing the body to work harder to oxygenate the blood. This can cause the blood vessels in the face to dilate and that blood to collect in the sinuses and cause pressure and pain. Another common side effect of sleep apnea is dry mouth. When the patient’s airway is blocked during sleep, he or she is not receiving the proper amount of air into his or her mouth, which can lead to dryness in the mouth. 

High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is already high, sleep apnea can make it worse. Untreated obstructive sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Visit Gallery 32 Dental Arts at 3580 Piedmont Road NE, STE #104, Atlanta, GA 30305, or call (404) 255-6929 to learn more about clear aligners. Our dentist will work with you to help you determine the best option for your condition so you can feel confident in your beautiful new smile.


3580 Piedmont Rd NE #104,
Atlanta, GA 30305

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